Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Dark Knight World

The Dark Knight trilogy personifies a new world of complex characters. It consists of corruption, fresh ideas of justice, and a fierce new breed of evil.

"I seek the means to fight injustice. To turn fear against those who prey on the fearful." -Christian Bale

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The Dark Knight character is welded out of fear. As a child, Bruce’s parents were robbed and murdered after leaving a theater. They left, because the theater’s costumes reminded young Bruce of bats. Bruce’s fear killed his parents. Fear hinders Gotham just as fear hinders the Dark Knight. Crime smothers the people and proves to be untouchable when corruption lingers through even the police force. Bruce’s evolution into the Dark Knight begins by living as a thief, the object of Gotham's fear. Once trained physically, he returns to Gotham masked, scrambling through the night, and living outside the law. He becomes both a bat and a criminal. He becomes fear to overcome fear. The story sings to moviegoers to not be crippled by the fears of life. The criminals and corrupt eventually cower in fear to the Dark Knight until a new class of criminals emerge. See other films by Christopher Nolan on this fan website.

“This city deserves a better class of criminal and I'm gonna give it to them.” -Joker

The villains within the Dark Knight World are distinct from any seen before. A full list of Dark Knight characters can be found on Batman Wiki. The Dark Knight, up to this point, has been successful in securing justice. The Joker becomes the perfect complication. The Joker's only interest is distrupting established order. He finds amusement in anarchy and insists the only way to live is without rules. In the movie, he consistently pushes people to live without rules. The Joker pushes Harvey Dent from being a powerful politician to being a murdering, vengeful Two-Face. The Joker even tempts civilians to kill criminals to save their own lives.

The Joker then turns to The Dark Knight. In the comics, the Dark Knight only lives by one rule: to not kill. The Joker consequently forces the Dark Knight to appoint life and death for his friends which crushes this superhero till he seeks suicide.

Bane, contrary to the Joker, is a fierce destroyer of evil. Bane wants to neither save nor corrupt Gotham, but enforce judgement at the expense of thousands of lives. We recieve a dreadful glimpse of Bane's character at the beginning of the movie. His plane rips apart the plane of a criminal. Unlike the “White Knight,” who Harvey Dent is referred as, the Dark Knight is willing to cross traditional lines and break laws to save the people of Gotham from the city’s criminals.

This is a completely new view of villain. In the past, villains have been portrayed as breaking the law for personal gain or a twisted lust. These villains, however, have no personal desires. The joker simply wants to corrupt and Bane simply wants to destroy.

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