Thursday, February 14, 2013

About the Blog

This blog was started for a couple of reasons. Primarily I love to write. Ever since elementary school I have been intrigued with the idea of the story. Crafting and sculpting a plot with unique people is truly addicting. I also love movies. Cinema, I believe pushes a story to its full measure. Through visuals and added creative aspects that can be controlled through visual art pushes the story to its full measure.

What does that have to do with this blog?

For this blog specifically, I'm going to focus on both of these great loves of mine. Yes, I'm going to be reviewing movies but more than just that. I'm going to be pulling symbols and creative thoughts that might have been missed through casual movie goers. Subliminal messages, metaphors, symbols, and cultural meaning is sometimes not taken into consideration when watching summer blockbuster. Though this blog, I hope that movie goers will gain knowledge and have a deeper appreciation for cinema.

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